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George Catlin - Period Prints

George Catlin

George Catlin  (1796-1872) was an American adventurer, lawyer, painter, author, and traveler, who specialized in portraits of Native Americans in the Old West. Traveling to the American West five times during the 1830s, Catlin wrote about and painted portraits that depicted the life of the Plains Indians

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Camanchees Moving by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
A Cheyenne Chief, His Wife, and a Medicine Man by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Battle between the Jiccarilla Apachees and Camanchees by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
A Sioux Village by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
A Yuma Chief, His Daughter, and a Warrior by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Assinneboine Warrior and His Family by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Catlin Painting the Portrait of Mah-to-toh-pa - Mandan by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Amusing Dance - Sioux by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Amusing Dance - Saukie by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Black Hawk and the Prophet - Saukie by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
A Blackfoot Chief, His Wife, and a Medicine Man by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
A Crow Village on the Salmon River by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
A Stone Warrior, His Wife, and a Boy by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Catlin Feasted by the Mandan Chief by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Bivouac of a Sioux War Party at Sunrise by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Bear Dance - K'nisteneux by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
A Buffalo Wallow by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
A K'nisteneux Warrior and Family by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Bulls Fighting by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Buffalo Chase in the Snow Drifts - Ojibbeway by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Cedar Bluffs by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Buffalo Lancing in the Snow Drifts - Sioux by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
A Pawnee Warrior Sacrificing His Favorite Horse by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
A Dog Feast - Sioux by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print
Chief of the Taensa Indians Receiving La Salle.  March 20, 1682 by George Catlin (American, 1796 - 1872), 16X12"(A3)Poster Print